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Equipment and technology


Equipment can be bought directly from a specialist supplier or household shop without an OT assessment. This might include more minor equipment items such as a raised toilet seat, pressure mattress, bath hoist, over bed table, wheelchair, crutches, or a hospital style bed. If not having an OT assessment it is best the person tries it out first either as a trial period in the home or the store, particularly if it is an expensive item. You, as the carer, also need to ensure it is safe to use and not putting your own health at risk. If the equipment proves helpful you can still arrange for a social care assessment to see if the person would be eligible for financial help.

Equipment such as a hospital bed, mattress, or commode can be provided by your local community nursing team. The person’s GP can make a referral to the nursing team and they will come to the home to assess.


There is a vast array of technology that can be used to assist you in your caring role, from everyday technology such as the use of a phone app to connect you to other carers in your family, to remote monitoring and medication management. 

Carers UK has information about different options.