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Getting dressed

If you struggle with getting dressed, you may want to think about getting some help at home.

Organisations can provide this type of support, known as personal care or home care, for as little as a couple of hours a week or more if needed. Search ‘dressing’ to find a list of relevant support options.

Aids to help you get dressed

Dressing aids can help you put on socks or shoes; fasten buttons and zips or reach to pull up trousers or skirts, can all make getting dressed easier. Find suggestions on The home equipment finder.

Aids to meet your needs may be purchased directly from a range of different companies. Search ‘equipment’ to find a list of organisations that could help.

Short term help at home

If you've just come out of hospital, or have had a period of illness and aren't coping at home, you may just need some extra support at home to get back on your feet. Surrey’s Adult Social Care Reablement Service can support you for as little as a couple of days up to a maximum of 6 weeks to help you relearn skills, regain confidence, or master new skills.